Preschool Curriculum
The preschool curriculum covers the following areas:
Movement and Coordination
- Physical attention and relaxation
- Gross motor skills
- Eye-hand and eye foot coordination
- Group Names
- Creative Movement
Autonomy and Social Skills
- Sense of self and personal responsibility
- Working in group setting
Work Habits
- Memory skills
- Following directions
- Task persistence and completion
- Oral language
- Nursery rhymes, poems, finger plays/songs
- Emerging literacy skills
- Patterns and classifications
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Numbers and numbers sense
- Basic addition and subtraction
- Money
Orientation in Time and Space
- Vocabulary
- Measure of time
- Passage of time (past, present, future)
- Actual and represented space
- Simple maps
- Basic geographical concepts
- Human, animal and plant characteristics
- Physical elements (water, air and light)
- Tools
- Attend to different sounds
- Imitate and produce sounds
- Listen and sing
- Listen and move
Visual arts
- Attend to visual detail
- Creating art
- Looking at and talking about art

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